
Chag Sameiach

Jews around the world will sit tonight for their Seder, to celebrate the beginning of the Pesach. Tonight they will remember how G-d delivered them from the oppression of the Pharaohs. They well remember their enslavement, Moses' pleas for the Pharoah to 'let my people go', and the Pharaoh's refusal. They will remember plague by plague, each of the ten plagues their G-d placed upon the Egyptians and their first-borns will break their day's fasting in gratitude for sparing the Israelite's first-born children when the plagues started.
That is a classical story of oppression.
They will remember how they were oppressed, how they found a saviour in Moses, and how they followed him into the sea as it parted just for them, just that night.
That is a classical story of salvation.
They will drink and celebrate the beginning of their first return!
They will remember the commandments: "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery"
Will they remember a different form of oppression?
"You Shall not murder"
Will they remember the murders that have been committed in their names, along side those committed against them?
They will remember the Philistines and their unwillingness to fight them. Will they remember the Palestinians and fighting them?
They will remember their forty years of wandering. Will they remember their forty years of occupation?
If only people can look at things from another eye, this world would be different!
Chag Sameiach, anyway! And... "Next year in Jerusalem", all of us!

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