
discourse analysis

I don't know if it was intended or not, but the above image is a screen print from Maan News Agency website. If we were to run a simple discourse analysis based on this image we will have a strange result.
Primarily, the Palestinians are divided: One front, two players (sounds like a one country two systems). The PA, represented by the president and his government, seems to act as a passive observer to a war that is being waged on part of its land. Eirikat, in this article asks the international community to interfere in imposing a ceasefire between the Palestinians and Israelis. As if, he's not included in the "Palestinian" side.
Haniyeh, has reached a point where he's willing to negotiate, but he has no partners. Abbas believes if Haniyeh is ousted by an "external" force then he might gain Gaza back without any concessions to Hamas. Such concessions would ultimately embarrass him with the Americans, Israelis and others. They might stall the peace process again and are likely to cut off the $$$ tap which was opened in Paris.
Haniyeh on the other hand must have realised that things are not as easy as he first thought. Staging a rebellion should necessarily be prepared in a much better way. When he took the Iranian example as a guide, he should have also taken into consideration that Iran was a well established country at the time of the revolution, not one which begs each and every other country to pay the salaries of its civil service and perform its day to day job. Add to that, he also knows that his life is at stake now. So he is willing to negotiate. He might even apologise and possibly agree to fresh elections. Of course in such case, him and his brethrens will present themselves as those who conceded for the public good trying to win more support, and maybe even have an eye on the Muqata'a.
Israel, simply, doesn't care. Hamas or Fatah, it is all "Palestinian Terror" and should be fought. Of course for Israel, toppling the Gaza regime will only be considered as a routine operation against terrorists. This, however, will secure its western border with the Gaza strip, and possibly allow Abbas to extend its authority to Gaza.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...


Rain is falling all around,

It falls on field and tree,

It rains on the umbrella here,
And on the ships at sea. 。

-------- by aoc powerlevewling