
It is rather amusing to read the General Assembly's resolutions regarding the Palestinian question. I was looking at the GA 37/123 (A-D) regarding several issues relating to the Palestinian question, primarily the Invasion of Lebanon and Sabra and Shatilla Massacres. The amusing part is that the log of the GA resolutions has GAR37/103 regarding the South African invasion of Lesotho, in the opposit column next to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. The following two paragraphs apear side by side in the Arabic version (my translation).
"Convinced that international solidarity with Lesotho, as a bordering country of South Africa, is necessary to actively challenge the South Africa policy based on intimidating its neighbours from opposing its racial discrimination policy and not allowing shelter for South African Refuge."

The opposit column reads:
"Takes notice that Israel's records and measures prove beyond doubt that it is not a peace-loving member country, and that it did not fulfill its commitments based on the UN charter."

The General Assembly goes on to condemn the Veto by "a permanent member in the Security Council" which hindered taking measures against Israel in accordance with Chapter 7 of the UN charter. I guess we all know who that member is.

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