
Erdan's Bill
Remember this term for it will serve you well! Israel, "the oasis of democracy in the Middle East" and the country which will serve as a "light unto the nations" of this world, is setting new standards. A new bill is waiting to be passed in the Israeli Knesset would give the state the right to strip citizens of their Israeli citizenship for "committing acts which constitute a breach of loyalty for the state". The loose "breach of loyalty" term can, as initial reports state, mean visiting a country classified as an enemy country!
Similar laws did and do indeed exist! For example, the eccentric Niyazov have enacted a law that stripped Turkmen-Russians of their citizenship. Previously, the Nuremberg Laws come in starking resemblence to the current laws of Israel. On the one hand, Israel has recently enacted a law which in effect is similar to "The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour" which prohibited mariages between Germans and Jews. Current Israeli laws don't allow for Israeli citizens to live with their Arab spouses who are not citizens of the state. On the second hand, this new law, is in effect similar to the second Nuremberg Law: The Reich Citizenship Law.
Of course, I will not forget to mention here the classic copy case of Apartheid South Africa, which Apartheid Israel is so deligently trying to imitate. For, in 1970, The Union of South Africa Adopted legislation which allowed for the revoking of SA citizenship from natural citizens.
Erdan's Bill will come in serious violation of International Law, and in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 15 of the UDHR states that everyone has a right to a nationality and no one should be deprived of his nationality. Ofcourse, applying this law would leave many Arab Israelis without citizenship of any country in stark contradiction with International Law. However, this is only one out of 30 other articles in the UDHR that Israel will violate- why should people care now!


Anonymous said...

Please Check these websites and help 'Aref' the 10 year old boy from Sistan.

Anonymous said...

hey fucker....u better spend ur energy ( and our shekels ) on this wierdo than kick ur stinky ass trying to delegitimize our country.